Thursday, November 27, 2014

Benefits of Deadlifts and how to do them

The deadlift is the second most important exercise after Squats. This is because it works all your muscles and allows you to lift the heaviest weight possible. Some professional powerlifters have higher Squat numbers than Deadlift but it is rare and may be due to specific training methodologies or perhaps injury. Squats do wonders for building mass overall however the lower body sees a greater benefit(huge legs). The deadlift in my opinion is more overall than the Squat as it contributes to building the upper body and lower body more than any other exercise. Since I started Strength Training, I have increase both my Squat and my Deadlift 100lbs each.

As with all exercises, it is important to maintain correct technique when executing the lift. The deadlift is a simple exercise in hat you're basically picking up the weight off the floor however there are several things you need to be aware of to lift as much weight as possible and avoid injury. Here is an extract from an article posted by Medhi of Stronglifts on proper deadlift technique.

  1. Stand with the bar above the center of your feet – your stance should be a bit more narrow than shoulder-width to give your arms room.
  2. Grab the bar overhand;so your arms are vertical to the floor – if your hamstrings are tight, do Squat 2 stands to boost your hip flexibility.
  3. Bend through your knees until your shins hit the bar which must remain above the middle of your feet. Shoulder-blades directly over the bar.
  4. Lift your chest but don’t squeeze your shoulder-blades like on Squats. Just put your shoulders back & down, head inline with rest of your spine.
  5. Pull - keep the bar close to your body, roll it over your knees and thighs until your hips and knees are locked. Do not lean back at the top.

Here are some more tips I picked up while learning to Deadlift over the past couple months.
  • Remember to keep your spine neutral at all times.
  • Its important to not let your back round at all at any time while pulling.
  • Pull straight up. Don't let the bar drift forward.
  • Drag the bar up against your shins and thighs. It can be painful at first but it helps with keeping it from drifting forward. Try not to take off any skin while you're at it!
  • Squeeze the bar really hard like you're trying to crush it.
  • Visualise pushing the flor. You'e not pulling the bar up into the air, imagine yu're pushing the world away from you.

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